The body building supplement industry is built largely upon hype, with an occasional secondary nod to science-based results. In contrast with the beneficial effects of caffeine on power output in parallel with barbell displacement velocity, BA supplementation seems to increase power through an increased training volume without affecting the relationship between intensity and velocity.
The body of scientific data available concerning highly trained athletes performing single competition-like exercise tasks indicates that this type of population receives modest but potentially worthwhile performance benefits from β-alanine supplementation.
Hereafter, MS patients will be randomly allocated to one of four intervention groups following either 12 weeks of 'classical' moderate intensity cardiovascular exercise therapy (n=40) or periodized exercise therapy (n=40), with (MSβclassic, n=20; MSβperiod, n=20) or without (MSclassic, n=20; MSperiod, n=20) β-alanine supplementation.
Β-alanine supplementation did not produce a significant ergogenic effect in these sport-specific trials ( 4,12,30,48,54 ). Baguet et al. ( 4 ) what is beta alanine reported a 2.7-second improvement in 2,000-m rowing ergometer performance in elite Belgian rowers after 7 weeks of β-alanine supplementation.
An analysis of amino acid sequences of other NMTases of plant origin—phosphoethanolamine NMTase, Rubisco NMTase, and putrescine NMTase—indicated that their theoretical pIs fall between 4.69 and 6.20 and their molecular mass between 37 and 56 kD. Purification and characterization of the NMTase involved in β-Ala betaine synthesis opened up opportunities for cDNA cloning, biochemical characterization of this NMTase, and understanding the functional significance of this pathway.
The ergogenic potential of β-alanine supplementation for elite athletes performing repeated high-intensity exercise bouts, either during training or during competition in sports which require repeated maximal efforts (e.g., rugby and soccer), needs scientific confirmation.
JLM-M, RD conceived and designed the study; JLM-M, RD, JHL, AFS-J, PG-F, FDJ, JG-P, and PV-H perform the exercises test; MCL-E, FD-J and PV-H perform the packaged and prepared the capsules containing the supplement or placebo; JHL, AFS-J, PG-F and MVG-C, carry out program training; JLM-M, RD, JHL, realize data curation; JLM-M, writing the original manuscript; MVG-C, FDJ, and JG-P translated the manuscript into English; RD, JLM-M, RD, JHL, AFS-J, PG-F, FDJ, MCL-E, JG-P, PV-H and MVG-C edited and revised manuscript; JLM-M, RD, JHL, AFS-J, PG-F, FDJ, MCL-E, JG-P, PV-H and MVG-C approved the final version of the manuscript.
AtALDH10A8, an NAD+-dependent aminoaldehyde dehydrogenase EC in A. thaliana was shown to convert 3-aminopropionaldehyde into β-alanine in vitro, and similar enzymes were studied in apple fruit ( Zarei et al., 2015 , 2016 ). However, unlike gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which was specifically accumulated in response to salinity, β-alanine was not, suggesting that β-alanine is accumulated as part of a non-specific rather than a specific stress response ( Zarei et al., 2016 ). A. thaliana has been shown to survive without the ability to make spermine, but spermidine synthesis is essential to survival.
In contrast to L-alanine, which is a proteinogenic amino acid, β-alanine has no stereo center ( Figure 1 ). β-Alanine is incorporated into pantothenate (Vitamin B5), and therefore, is a precursor of Coenzyme A (CoA) and acyl-carrier protein, which shuttle carbon within the cell ( Voet et al., 2006 ). β-Alanine is a component of carnosine, a dipeptide concentrated in muscle and brain tissue, which underlies the wide use of β-alanine in humans as a strength enhancing supplement.
There was no difference across the four trials or between the two groups for 1 km split times (p = 0.630; p = 0.760; FIGURE 2 ). Finally, blood lactate concentrations increased due to the exercise (p < 0.001) but again there was no effect of trial or group (p = 0.093; p = 0.869; TABLE 2 ).
Research has suggested that Beta Alanine works well with fast-acting carbohydrates such as Waxy Maize Starch , Dextrose & Maltodextrin It is also thought that Beta Alanine and creatine work synergistically, so we would suggest combining with Creatine Monohydrate for its neutral taste.
Most studies have used doses of between 3.2 and 6.4 g•d-1 of β-alanine, with this resulting in increases of 40 to 80% in the muscle carnosine concentration, depending upon the duration of supplementation and the method of determining the muscle carnosine content.