Asbestos is a mineral form of impure magnesium silicate. If you are looking for a bankruptcy attorney in New Jersey, Andrew M. Carroll and his staff of legal professionals will use their years of experience in order to find practical solutions for your problems and will work with you to file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy or Chapter 13 bankruptcy action if this is in your best interest.
The advantages to filing Chapter 7 are that the trustee will administer the dissolution of the company and payment of creditors, and will ensure that creditors are paid in the correct priority; this eliminates the claim that the officers did not pay debtors properly.
Other types of debt relief include creditor workouts where a payment agreement is worked out with creditors and where the monthly payments are radically reduced, or the possibility Bankruptcy attorney nj of applying for a mortgage loan modification The most important action to take is to contact a competent attorney to discuss your situation, and get the help you so badly need.
An employment lawyer can quickly review and troubleshoot any employment-related agreements you routinely use with your workers, such as employment contracts, severance agreements, or releases, and he can review an employee handbook or personnel policies to ensure legal compliance.
By sending this law firm an email or by receiving an email from this law firm, you agree that the information does not create a lawyer-client relationship and you understand that there is no guarantee that any information contained therein is or will be confidential and privileged.
With offices conveniently located in Woodbury, Franklinville and Sewell, Hoffman DiMuzio is able to provide its clients with the powerful resources of a large firm which include an invaluable depth and breadth of legal experience, extensive research capabilities and state of the art computer networking.
We're a down to earth law firm ready to provide you with the divorce attorney, debt relief lawyer, bankruptcy law attorney, or child visitation lawyer you need in Brick NJ, and Toms River NJ. We are committed to every client and bring high levels of personal service forth for each and every case we take.