Sleep apnea is a disorder in which people experience shallow breathing or pauses in breathing during their sleep. African-Americans with moderate or severe sleep apnea are twice as likely to have hard-to-control high blood pressure when their sleep apnea goes untreated, according to a new study funded mainly by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), part of the National Institutes of Health.
A study in the October issue of Anesthesiology shows that diagnosing Nasal Surgery and prescribing CPAP therapy prior to surgery significantly reduced postoperative cardiovascular complications - specifically cardiac arrest and shock - by more than half.
Ln the meantime, Twery said, the more familiar people become with the symptoms and dangers of sleep apnea—and what they can do to help minimize their risks—the better off they likely will be. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 50-75 percent of adults with symptoms of sleep apnea have not discussed their condition with a physician.
CPAP has not only been shown to improve quality-of-life and sleep indices in patients with OSA, but also to lower blood pressure and rates of arrhythmia and stroke, to improve left ventricular ejection fraction in patients with heart failure, and to improve the rates of fatal and nonfatal cardiovascular events.
In the two-year multi-center pilot study, SHHS researchers and others will compare the cardiovascular effects of adding either CPAP or supplemental oxygen during sleep to standard care in patients with moderate to severe sleep apnea who are at high risk for cardiovascular disease events such as heart attack or stroke.
The effectiveness of uvulopalatopharyngoplasty is debatable, but that is likely because it does not alter enough upper airway soft tissue anatomy ( 19 ). Maxillomandibular surgery that affects a greater proportion of the upper airway has been shown to have a high success rate in patients with sleep apnea ( 20 ).
The available treatments are: medication, avoid antidepressants or relaxants, avoid alcohol, change of diet, quit smoking, surgery to enlarge the airways, devices to keep the patient from sleeping on his back, special pillows, oral devices and the continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) which is a machine that uses a tube connected to a mask and sends continuous pressurized air to keep the airways open.